Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to our first SPARK Blog!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: I heard this Cyndi Lauper song on the drive to SPARK this morning, and thought about how much we are asked to quantify and evaluate every little thing our students do these days. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for assessment and having standards to guide instruction, yet I wonder if sometimes we're losing sight of what makes kids (and Cyndi) want to be active in the first place -- having fun? 

Sure, that's one of the differences between physical education and physical activity, yet, as physical educators, isn't it possible for us to get so caught up in assessment and demonstrating student learning that our classes become counterproductive?  Ultimately don't we really want students to move and enjoy it without feeling we're counting every little step they take (last pop culture reference I promise...)?  And I think Cyndi knows boys just wanna have fun too. 
Please think about the mixed message and share your thoughts with us.  

Fitness for Fitness Teachers: I always enjoy my annual trip to Florida AAHPERD and spending time laughing with Patty Lanier. Patty is one of our terrific SPARK trainers and after a 20-year career teaching elementary PE, she went to the University of Central Florida where she instructs methods classes to future teachers -- among many other things. Patty and I workout together in the am before the conference and discuss our pet peeve: Why aren't more of our colleagues in the gym with us?  It's obvious when you attend conferences that many of our best and brightest are not exactly scoring 10's in the role model department. Patty and I think we need to walk the talk.  What do YOU think?  Should NASPE sponsor some type of recognition for physical educators who maintain healthy lifestyles (consistent training schedules, BMI"s within respectable limits, etc,)?  Should we have to submit to testing like our students and achieve a certain fitness standard?  Aren't fire and police people required to stay in shape to do their jobs?
Let us know YOUR thoughts.

-Paul Rosengard


Kdub said...

I definitely think that our PE teachers shouldn't just "talk the talk", but walk it as well. Isn't one of the main reasons you become a PE Teacher is because there is some sort of passion for being physically fit and healthy!? I think that the ultimate way to learn is to learn by example. If students are not learning healthy behaviors at home it is up to Educators to be that healthy role model.

Unknown said...

I definitely think PE teachers should practice what they preach! I understand that going to conferences there may a temptation to just relax and enjoy the getaway also, I don't think it is asking too much to let them sleep in on such an occasion. But unhealthy or overweight teachers should lead by example and live healthier lifestyles. They should be out there playing with the kids and exercising with their students so its fun learning for everyone and not just barking orders. So yes, maybe some standards need to be in place.

Unknown said...

I too think PE teachers should practice what they preach. I know that some conference presentations are pretty active and some don't always like the gym, so they do activities outside.
Regarding standards for jobs, yes, employers should encourage all employees to live a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are a teacher, nurse, secretary, administrator, janitor- all should be encouraged to be healthy (lower medical costs, less sick days, look & feel better, etc.).

Jack said...

While I agree that PE teachers should practice what they preach, I think holding them to rigid standards without accounting for injuries, disabilities and health conditions that prevent them from exercise will only discourage some really great educators from continuing in the industry. A better solution is to reward those PE teachers who excel at fitness themselves. Students receive Presidential Fitness Rewards. Why not do something similar for teachers? Those who meet the standards can be recognized nationally to inspire those who are not in to become healthier individuals and better role models.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jack - most PE teachers are former athletes who may have been injured when young and are now suffering the consequences. Let it be a lesson to us - don't push your young athletes so they can continue to stay in good shape throughout their lifetime.